Friday, September 18, 2009
Friday, September 18, 09
Well, I decided to start writing even though I'm sick as a dog. I've been coughing all week but it's getting better. I wanted to start taking note of all the little things that happen each day because when people ask me what type of activity is going on, I have to stop and think of the bigger things that have happened and are completely unexplainable. But it's the little things that really get to you. For example, I live in a basement apartment but I sleep upstairs in a bedroom. In the morning I'll come down to the apartment and get on the computer, today I come down and there is a 5 colored kid's floor lamp that is still on. When I'm done in the apartment, I cut all the lights off, when I come down today, boom, there it is, staring me right in the face. I just laughed and shook my head. Another thing I'd like to take note of is the constant pc issues. I know this could be labeled as trivial and could very well be debunked but one night, the entities made it very clear that they were using the computer. My brother and I were watching TV with our backs to the computer desk area. The lights were off in the room and out of nowhere the computer started to re-boot itself. I wouldn't have paid any attention if it was just once but it did it like 12 times. About the 3rd time it happened, my brother pulled the router power and killed the power to the modem. It was still re-booting. So when anything happens, I know it's literally the ghost in the machine. Sometimes, I'll come down and the computer will have downloaded a program and I have no idea what it's even for.. I guess I should write that I'm the only person that still comes down here out of my whole family, so it couldn't be one of my family members. Maybe I'll start turning the pc off when I leave. That will be just another thing they can turn on when I'm gone.
wow I just finished reading your whole blog, really interesting, I like the way you describe things that are happening. I'll be checking for updates:)
ReplyDeleteDo you have any ideas why your Uncle Pat has these attachments? Was he ever involved with the occult/ouija board or had any psychic abilities?