Friday, February 4, 2011

My Paranormal Friends are taking a Holiday..

I just wanted to write something to the effect of not much going on here this week, besides spending crazy amounts of energy trying to get a damn job. I just want to say that it is unusually quiet, shit for a minute there it was literally every single day. I haven't heard back from G.M.P.S., so, the next $60 bucks I get, where I can afford to blow on a good digital recorder, that's exactly what I'm gonna do. So, if anyone out there cares, stay tuned, I'm sure something will occur.
You know, the funny part is, it doesn't even scare me, I just want to know why? and who? and for what reason do they do these random unexplainable acts? If they have the power to do someof the things I've seen done, why not pick up a pen and write a goddamn note on a piece of paper explaining what you want? Know what I mean...? Got me.

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