The light to the left is again in question. I've asked everyone in the house if they've turned the light on or off. All have said No, they won't even come downstairs, except for my Mother, She has been un-affected by all of this. Hasn't heard or seen one thing, although she did witness the ashtray flying off the desk and hitting the floor. Anyway, I come downstairs today to do my normal business of checking email and stuff and I notice the light is on. Why is this light the only thing these entities choose to fool with?
It's been quiet lately, not much of anything paranormal has happened.. except for what I've reported. I'm not complaining, it can be 10 times as bad believe me. I decided to start keeping track of everything paranormal and as soon as I start to take notes, it slows down to a lull. I'm hoping that the entity with the most malice has moved on, because late at night you would hear your name called from the corner of the ceiling, when you took a piss, something underneath you would hit your feet with what felt like a hammer, shit like that would scare the hell out of me and I'm glad it's moved on. My Father would have things punch him while he laid in bed and while he watched television. It was so bad for him at one time, he couldn't even sit in his favorite chair/recliner and watch TV. He actually threw a brand new, $700 recliner in the woods, he didn't want anyone else to inherit what was attached to this chair. That's just the tip of the iceberg, I could tell you some even crazier shit. I haven't had the little child call me Daddy lately. I guess the last time that happened I was sitting right here at the computer and she said, "Daddy". About 2 weeks prior, she said, "Momma". Now when these entities speak, the only way I can describe it is; It's like it cuts the sound barrier or imagine a bubble around you and the sound is coming from all angles. I used to ask Chad when he slept on my bedroom floor (Out of pure fear) if he heard something and he would tell me No. It's like these entities can make it so only one or two people hear what they say by using some type of sound barrier. I know, I know, I just read what I wrote and I sound fucking bat shit crazy. I'm just trying to explain something that is pretty much unexplainable. So, until next time.... I write this like someone will actually read it :) Anyway, we have another investigation coming up and I'll try to get some video of it to upload here.
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