This unexplained phenomena took place at/around 1:00pm today, Wednesday, June 1, 2011. As I was sitting at the dinner table searching for jobs on CL.org, I was disturbed by a picture frame flying off the wall and landing upright. We're not talking about a little 3"X5" picture of Aunt Connie, it was a heavy duty, 11"X17", framed, glass, Black & White photo of my Step-Daughter. There is no logical reason for this picture frame to fall from the wall in the manner it did, with such force. As you can see, the picture to the above right isn't a small frame, the weight alone could not have made the nail in the wall fail, it was hung according to the specified weight of the picture & the nail was set right on center of the post in back of the frame. So, I would think it would have to be lifted up before it could come off the wall. I'm only speculating but that is my opinion. To the above left is where the picture was hung and it fell about 5 & 1/2 feet, crashing to the floor. The glass didn't break but our awareness of my Uncle Pat's presence was raised. These paranormal events ONLY happen when he is here or has visited (Slept here) for longer than 3 days. This would be an interesting case for any parapsychologist or scientist studying bizarre paranormal claims because we certainly have plenty of those. My Wife was as speechless as I was, so counting Her, there were 2 witnesses.
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