I have been sharing my experiences with people all over the net for the past year, maybe more, maybe less and as I look back I've realized that I've been trying a little too hard to explain the unexplainable. So, I've decided to just write what actually happened and who, what, where & why's out of it. So, to any of you that may come here to check out my blog, I want you to know that I personally want to write whatever happens, less like a drama writer and more like a police report. It is simply exhausting to keep trying to explain away events that do not have any explanation. I believe what I write is paranormal, I would not even consider writing or keeping track of something if it were at all explainable. With all that being said, I will now describe what has happened this past week, starting with a somewhat rare daytime event.
View from below(Where spirit was) |
It was Wednesday, October 10th, 2012 at/around 12:00pm noonish, I had been sitting at a table in the upstairs foyer/dining area with an offset view of the staircase that leads down to my basement apartment. I will often go online using this area due to it's great signal to our wi-fi. There was only 2 people in the house at this time. My Brother who was using the bathroom and myself, where I was setting at the table using the computer when I heard what sounded like a couple different things; I heard the last 4 steps of the staircase being used. It sounded as if our cat, was finishing her descent into the basement, which I initially thought until I looked over and saw her sleeping about a foot away. I immediately stood up to inspect what it was. I silently walked about 6 or 7 feet to the door and quickly turned on the lights, absolutely nothing there. I can maybe liken the sound to a softball being rolled down the last 4 steps of the staircase. As I stood there in disbelief, my Brother turns the corner and says, "What"? Well, I told him exactly what happened and he thought I should get the digital recorder out to ask some questions. That's what we did, we have not listened to the most recent recordings yet because every time we listen to one of our recordings, we will hear clearly paranormal, audible sounds taking place that were not there when we performed the recording. So, to be able to better understand what we are capturing, we are getting recording software for a program that will help us discern what we are hearing.

The next unexplained event took place on Thursday, October 11th, 2012 at/around 6pm through 10pm. This event was a constant feeling of being watched from a certain area of my apartment, about every time I felt as if I was over reacting to my imagination, I would see literal shadow movement, when there is no light to even make a shadow. I could not rationalize how these shadows were being made. So, I took an old white sheet and installed it over the door and I thought the problem was solved.
Old Room used for a washer/dryer. |
The view@the Couch/Shadows pass | | |
The next unexplained event took place on Friday, October 12th, 2012 and took place from about 5pm throughout the entire evening. As if the spirit energy was making a complaint or telling me that I had solved nothing,to my complete shock.. I would see shooting balls of this black energy, maybe the size of a baseball. At first it was in my peripheral vision but as I started to make my field of vision more towards the wall where this was happening, these images would change up, for example if I was watching the kitchen wall directly for say what felt like 5 minutes, out of nowhere a ball of quick, dark energy would appear at the floor or behind the fan. This entire evening felt like an onslaught of "I'm not going anywhere" and it is the first time I've felt any type of fear. I thought it would be a night of bedroom door handle shaking and door knocking but again I can't figure what strategy, if any, is being used, and again I'm completely baffled. The past two nights I've seen similar looking shapes but I'm just dealing with it and I am considering very unconventional methods to deal with this endless shit.
As I revisit this entry to post pics of where activity happened, it really does no justice at all. I wish I had the means for a couple, high quality video cams to keep rolling in the evening throughout the night at the height of when the latest activity has occurred. We'll see what ends up happening?
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