OK, so Monday night, early Tuesday morning at exactly 3am., I heard this enormous sound come from the bathroom which is next to my bedroom. The only reason I was awake was because my Brother just used the bathroom and opened my door to see if I was up. I said, "I'm sleepin man, what do you want"? and he just shut the door. About 1 minute later, I hear the noise. It was so loud that I felt the vibrations through my headboard where my arm lays. I still cannot explain what I heard, no one else heard it, which is just weird in itself, because it should have woke the whole house up. If I had to describe what it sounded like, I would say it sounded like a 500 lb. man falling down in the shower along with someone slamming both toilet lids down as hard as they could in unison. But, I'm the only one that heard it/felt it??? Got me..
Yesterday, my Uncle Pat was down for a visit and he was sitting at the family room table with my Mom. They were just talking and my Mom went over to the sliding door to look down at the pigs we have in the backyard. The sliding door opens up to a back deck/porch, when she came back inside, my Uncle Pat said he saw a big black shadow figure jet out the sliding door, after my Mom was inside. I wasn't there, so that's about all I can comment on.
Today, I was on the phone and my Brother was sleeping in his room. We were the only 2 people here at the time. I was walking around outside on the back deck that wraps around to the front of the house. When I got off the phone, I came in the front door which is right next to his bedroom door. When I walked in, I noticed he had just shut his door, then he opened it back up to ask if I knocked on his door and I said No, that I was outside for the past 5 minutes. He said, well someone just knocked on my door. I asked him what it sounded like and it was a normal 5 raps on the door. So, it's been quiet lately, but I thought these incidents were worth mentioning.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Friday, September 25, 2009
Thursday, September 24, 2009
OK now moaning..
Just wanted to add before I'm scared out of the apartment, I'm hearing moaning noises. This is fucking freaky. See ya.
Last night & Today
Last night my brother heard something tell him "Get out" as he was exiting the bathroom. We set up a digi recorder. Haven't listened to it yet. Just now, around 3:30pm, I'm setting at the computer and I hear what seems to be a man breathing in with a strong wheezing sound. I heard it twice. Now I feel like someone is watching me with a strong presence... so I will be leaving the downstairs now. More to come, I'm sure.. I'll write about whatever the digi recorder captures.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Match in the gas tank.. boom boom
So, last night I'm sitting on my bed watching The Office and I felt the whole house shake 3 times. There was an apparent explosion. I go outside and my Dad is already out there and he said he heard an explosion, I only felt the concussion. Some idiots across the field (The kids of a rich neighbor) took it upon themselves to load up a fire with about 40-50 aerosol spray paint cans. I don't know if they knew it was explosive or not, but it was so loud that people from across the street were driving their cars to the scene. This is rural suburbia, so like the next house is like a 1/4 mile away. So, all these people show up and there's this group of kids standing around a 30 ft. fire, looking like a bunch of jackasses because they decided to detinate an explosion on a Tuesday night at 10:30pm. Apparently the guilty kids parent's weren't home, so one of the neighbors stayed until the fire was under control. They took a loader and put a load of dirt on the fire and when I looked at it this morning, it was still burning. There was paint cans everywhere, it literally looked like a bomb went off. It's hard to believe that no one called the cops or fire dept.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Why the light?

The light to the left is again in question. I've asked everyone in the house if they've turned the light on or off. All have said No, they won't even come downstairs, except for my Mother, She has been un-affected by all of this. Hasn't heard or seen one thing, although she did witness the ashtray flying off the desk and hitting the floor. Anyway, I come downstairs today to do my normal business of checking email and stuff and I notice the light is on. Why is this light the only thing these entities choose to fool with?
It's been quiet lately, not much of anything paranormal has happened.. except for what I've reported. I'm not complaining, it can be 10 times as bad believe me. I decided to start keeping track of everything paranormal and as soon as I start to take notes, it slows down to a lull. I'm hoping that the entity with the most malice has moved on, because late at night you would hear your name called from the corner of the ceiling, when you took a piss, something underneath you would hit your feet with what felt like a hammer, shit like that would scare the hell out of me and I'm glad it's moved on. My Father would have things punch him while he laid in bed and while he watched television. It was so bad for him at one time, he couldn't even sit in his favorite chair/recliner and watch TV. He actually threw a brand new, $700 recliner in the woods, he didn't want anyone else to inherit what was attached to this chair. That's just the tip of the iceberg, I could tell you some even crazier shit. I haven't had the little child call me Daddy lately. I guess the last time that happened I was sitting right here at the computer and she said, "Daddy". About 2 weeks prior, she said, "Momma". Now when these entities speak, the only way I can describe it is; It's like it cuts the sound barrier or imagine a bubble around you and the sound is coming from all angles. I used to ask Chad when he slept on my bedroom floor (Out of pure fear) if he heard something and he would tell me No. It's like these entities can make it so only one or two people hear what they say by using some type of sound barrier. I know, I know, I just read what I wrote and I sound fucking bat shit crazy. I'm just trying to explain something that is pretty much unexplainable. So, until next time.... I write this like someone will actually read it :) Anyway, we have another investigation coming up and I'll try to get some video of it to upload here.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Things moving on their own
When I was making coffee this morning, I asked everyone if they heard any activity last night and they said, "No". My Dad started to talk about this incident that happened a couple of days ago that I wasn't aware of. He said that he has always kept some important papers on top of his gun safe in his bedroom. He had a packet of papers laid on top of the safe and there was a hat on top of the packet. Well, at some point in the night my Dad walked into his room and he saw this packet of papers lying in the middle of the floor, about 10 feet away from the safe. The hat was sitting on top of the packet of papers. He put the papers back on top of the safe with the hat and went on about his business. Later on, he asked my Mom if she knew anything about it and she had no idea of what he was talking about. So, I thought that was worth taking note of. We don't have many situations where stuff is moved, only a couple times and this would be one of them. When all this activity started, I was sitting at a desk upstairs and my ashtray just flew off the desk with amazing force and slammed onto the floor. Another incident I remember with shit flying is when I was using the bathroom and there was a plastic box of baby wipes sitting on the top of the toilet tank. I was just sitting there and out of the blue, this plastic box flew as fast as lightning against the vanity cabinet/sink, breaking the plastic box in two. We haven't had much poltergiest activity but these two incidents were definitely the scariest.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Further investigation is needed
About 2 weeks ago, my brother bought a digital voice recorder for $60 bucks at Radio Shack and he started recording just to test it out. When he brought it to my attention, there were only 2 audio files on it. The first file was maybe 15 minutes long, The second file I think was 2 hours or something and the thing is we didn't even listen to that file because the first file scared the living shit out of us. I wish I never heard what was on that thing, I mean, shit we have to live here. I've pretty much let it go and tried to forget everything I heard but we all know it's still here. I just talked to our paranormal investigator and he wants to have another investigation. This time he wants us to be present during the investigation. The first 2 investigations we had to stay somewhere else to eliminate any possibilities of our own involvement. The investigator has had cases where a family claims to have doors slam for no apparent reason and come to find out it was a teen girl doing all the activity. So after proving we're not involved with any of the activity going on here, The investigator thinks it would be the next step to have all of us included. I don't know how to feel about it, I mean all we're doing is collecting evidence. I want to do something to help these entities, find out what they want, help them get what they want, to get to the core of why they are here, at this point I'd like to work with a true psychic. I think that's the only way out of this, we can collect evidence all day long but it does no good if we can't interprit what it means. Just my 2 cents.
BTW, last night, someone took my Mom's cigarettes off the kitchen table. This morning she asked me if I took them and of course I said, "No, why"? She said, "I had a whole pack sittin there on the table last night and now they're gone".
Also, Chad reports that he witnessed 2 loud knocks on our sliding door. It was like 3 or 4 am and he was watching TV when all of a sudden he heard what sounded like a tennis ball hitting the window. It only hit once. The dog was asleep on the floor in the kitchen. Chad asked out loud, "Can you do that again"? and about 10-15 minutes later something hit the window again, just as loud. The only thing I witnessed yesterday was the lights ordeal, which I reported.
BTW, last night, someone took my Mom's cigarettes off the kitchen table. This morning she asked me if I took them and of course I said, "No, why"? She said, "I had a whole pack sittin there on the table last night and now they're gone".
Also, Chad reports that he witnessed 2 loud knocks on our sliding door. It was like 3 or 4 am and he was watching TV when all of a sudden he heard what sounded like a tennis ball hitting the window. It only hit once. The dog was asleep on the floor in the kitchen. Chad asked out loud, "Can you do that again"? and about 10-15 minutes later something hit the window again, just as loud. The only thing I witnessed yesterday was the lights ordeal, which I reported.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Friday, September 18, 09
Well, I decided to start writing even though I'm sick as a dog. I've been coughing all week but it's getting better. I wanted to start taking note of all the little things that happen each day because when people ask me what type of activity is going on, I have to stop and think of the bigger things that have happened and are completely unexplainable. But it's the little things that really get to you. For example, I live in a basement apartment but I sleep upstairs in a bedroom. In the morning I'll come down to the apartment and get on the computer, today I come down and there is a 5 colored kid's floor lamp that is still on. When I'm done in the apartment, I cut all the lights off, when I come down today, boom, there it is, staring me right in the face. I just laughed and shook my head. Another thing I'd like to take note of is the constant pc issues. I know this could be labeled as trivial and could very well be debunked but one night, the entities made it very clear that they were using the computer. My brother and I were watching TV with our backs to the computer desk area. The lights were off in the room and out of nowhere the computer started to re-boot itself. I wouldn't have paid any attention if it was just once but it did it like 12 times. About the 3rd time it happened, my brother pulled the router power and killed the power to the modem. It was still re-booting. So when anything happens, I know it's literally the ghost in the machine. Sometimes, I'll come down and the computer will have downloaded a program and I have no idea what it's even for.. I guess I should write that I'm the only person that still comes down here out of my whole family, so it couldn't be one of my family members. Maybe I'll start turning the pc off when I leave. That will be just another thing they can turn on when I'm gone.
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