In light of recent unexplainable events, I decided to take a few pictures just to post them on this blog when the time came to explain each set of events. The actual pictures are not of anything portraying the unexplained events, all the pictures are, is to help explain each event & to get an idea of what I would be explaining. Okay, so we understand I'm not implying I have any visual evidence of any ghosts or spirits, etc.. All I'm showing is pictures of the door in question and #2) a picture of a closet area that will be in question.
I took the set of (3) pictures last night at 7:17pm, one picture was taken a little later at 7:20pm, due to the fact I was giving a name to each picture file. After I took the pictures, I was falling out while trying to name the last & third picture. About 1 hour prior to taking the photos, I had taken a 1mg xanax and it had taken effect, so once I realized I was down for the count, I vividly remember laying my cell phone (What I used for the pics) screen-face down on top of a make shift arm chair of pillows. I didn't bother even finishing the file title, I set down the phone and I didn't wake up until 4:14am. Went to bathroom, went back to bed.
Begin Friday with morning coffee, setting at the computer for about 2 hours looking for employment and after that I was to write this blog. So I go and get my phone/camera and it is still in the pic file mode. I didn't bother naming it, but when I looked at my photo gallery to upload these new pics on my desktop, I realized that I had a picture that I don't remember taking. I started to look at it and it made no sense at all. In my head I tried to rationally explain someway that I could have accidentally taken an extra picture w/o realizing it and the answer is No. When I woke up in the 4 o'clock hour, I awoke with the remote control in my right hand and I'm right handed. Prior to going to sleep I laid the phone on my pillow armchair on my left side then I turned the volume down with the remote. Okay, so I go and look at the details recorded by the phone for each picture taken and pic#1. was taken at 7:17pm, pic#2. was taken at 7:17pm and pic#3. was taken at 7:20pm. When I looked at the mysterious photo, the details recorded that the picture was taken at 10:01pm. What was even more troubling to me about the photo not being taken by myself was the fact that I cannot explain what the picture is. I entertained the thought that I took the picture (Left-handed) while sleeping, so I re-positioned myself in my bed, exactly where I slept, and not one thing in this picture is explainable by using my bed as the location from where this photo was taken. It would be a stretch to suggest that any of the above was a proper explaination for the picture and if I did take the picture lying down, while asleep, where are my legs? The blankets that are currently on my bed are green on top and a white comforter under neath the green comforter. Here are the photos in order, I will explain each photo and the events surrounding them on my next post, but for now, I have enough paranormal shit going on.
#ONE @ 7:17PM |
#2 @ 7:17PM |
#3 @ 7:20PM |
MYSTERY @ 10:01PM |
Hey man, I'm that dude that commented on your reddit post shouting "more more!"
You need more subscribers! The phenomena you are experiencing is incredible to me. I would love to keep reading more and more updates!
Yeah, that was my older Brother you were talking to. I originally intended to just keep track of all the crazy shit that was going on for the sake of clarity but as I read some of the things that have happened in the past, I am quite entertained because I forgot how intense it really was but when I re-read it, it still blows my mind. I have 3 more recent posts that I'll be adding, all have happened in the past 3 nights. It's crazy poltergiest shit, things that are being moved, loud audibles w/o anyone to make the sounds. I'm getting ready to ask a past investigator for another go at it. It's starting all over again.
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