I haven't had much time to spend on here lately but I want to record what has been taking place before more events happens and things start to get blurry.

On March 14th, in between the hours of 8pm and 9pm, I was lying in my bed relaxing. A commercial came on the TV so I muted the loud, obnoxious ad and waited for the show to begin again. As soon as I muted the TV, about 3 seconds went by and then I heard a human hand knock 2 times on my bedroom door. It was not from above, it wasn't the door creaking, it wasn't footsteps from the kitchen above, it was someone knocking on my door. I immediately used the phone intercom to call upstairs and asked if anyone had come down stairs for anything. The answer was No. Once I heard those 2 knocks at the door, I knew it had returned. The picture posted in the prior post that is labeled # ONE & #TWO are pics of the door that was knocked on.

The next unexplained event happened while I was sleeping on Friday night into Saturday morning, that would be March 16th into early morning of March 17th. I woke up at/around 4:14am to go use the bathroom. While I was standing there, I noticed that the box of Q-tips and the amber colored, glass candlebox had been moved from the back/top part of the toilet tank (Where those 2 items normally sit) to the top of the vanity sink edge. I was baffled. My first thought was to ask my Daughter who had come downstairs to watch a movie with me. She fell asleep on the couch and I was not going to wake her up to ask her if she moved anything. So I left things how they were and when I got up around 8am, I went and got coffee, then I came back and took some pictures of the bathroom scene. When my Daughter woke up, I asked her if she slept all night and she replied, "Yes". That is all I needed to know because the items were not like that when we both fell asleep. So yet, another unexplained event, I am a little worried because at the very beginning of all this paranormal/unexplained activity, we may have had some minor poltergiest activity but now it seems to be showing what it can do only by moving things, showing itself in different ways. This is much different than before, first of all, it seems to be centered around me. None of my other family members have reported anything unusual. I also want to record that on Thursday, the 15th at/around 6:30-7:00pm, I saw a black silk shaped image appear in front of my bedroom dresser then it moved into the back of the closet. The image was about the same size as a hand towel and it had the same ribbon-like charachteristics as the white image that showed itself 2 days prior. In the prior post, there are a set of pictures, the picture labeled #THREE is the picture of the dresser where the black silk-like ribbon image appeared then disapperared to the right of the dresser into the closet. Below is a picture of where I sit while online and the bright-white, 3 foot tall, ribbon-like image appeared just to the left of the recliner, next to the pictures hung on the wall. Well, that's it for now, I'm sure something else will try and fuck with me, I wish I could wire this whole apartment with video cameras, I'm actually afraid to record for EVP's. The last time we did, my Brother bought a nice little digital handheld and we let it run for about 4 hours. We listened to it in sections and shared the task, when I heard what I thought to be a demonic voice speaking backwards to a little girl responding to it, I showed it to my Brother, we both acknowledged how sick it was and it disturbed me so bad that I took the digital recorder and drove down to the Patuxent river and I threw that fucking thing as hard as I could throw it into the river. When Bill and his team came here for their first investigation, they picked up 16, class A, evp's and on their second visit they picked up 26, class A, evp's. These were not just noises like a breath in the ear type shit, it was like full sentences, commands, questions, laughing, we had one that started on 1 mic in the stairwell leading downstairs and the second mic picked up the remainder of the evp. The evp started as footsteps going down to the basement, then on a different recorder it picked up a woman saying to her child, "Oh... there you are"! So yeah, I'm a bit gunshy on recording evp's in this house. Ignorance is Bliss.
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