Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Every year at this time..
For as long as I can remember, since I was a child, during the Christmas season, someone in my Family or someone my Family knows will pass away either on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day, Last year it was my Uncle David, He died on December 27th. I wonder who'll make the trip this year?
We've crossed the line of reason & what is physically possible
OK, so I'm going to prefix this post with, I don't need to have my head examined, I don't hear voices outside of my house and I don't see people like in the movie, 'A Beautiful Mind". With that being said, I want to make sure anyone reading this knows that I am a pretty reasonable person, I believe in some radical ideas but....By no means am I having acid flash backs, nor do I think I'm losing my mind. I will try to explain what happened to me the best I can.
Yesterday around noon, I was debating on wrapping presents or painting water colors and I decided to put on a cd just for background music. While I'm looking through my cd case of about 25 options, I choose something nice and serene, I install the cd in the cd player and when I back up to grab the remote for a volume function it has, I noticed I wasn't alone anymore. I had been sort of "In my own little world" until this point, from here I will try to explain to the best of my ability what I saw and how I saw it. I saw a shining, white as snow, a woman's dress. I stood perfectly still, acting like I didn't see it floating right next to me, using as much of my periferal vision as possible without moving my eyeball. I stayed and watched for what felt like eternity but was realistically probably about 6 to 8 seconds, as soon as I turned my head, instantly vanished wit
hout a trace of ever appearing. I remember the dress pattern so well I could draw it and I will, it was a complete dress about 5 foot tall, the only thing missing was the woman. The image to the left is where it all happened, I was standing about 5 feet behind the blue TV set and the image of the dress appeared exactly where the blue chair is placed. I will try to draw the dress and post it on my next post. The strange thing is; That's not the only bizarre activity that happened yesterday, It just hit me! Wasn't there a full Lunar Eclipse yesterday? I will check, all this activity happened on Tuesday, December 21st, 2010.
Well around 6:45p.m., I was chillin in my bed, just watching Family Guy and I heard a moderately loud, in a young boy's voice say: " No! That's mine"! It came from the bathroom area of the apartment and I immediately muted the TV (I keep the remote in my hands at all times) Nothing else was said, but I know what I heard and the voice had quite a bit of strength to it #1. Just to say what it said and #2. Say it as loud as it was. I heard it over the Family Guy episode as if it was really happening, taking something from a pissed-off little kid, maybe like a bully taking his toy.
Yesterday was amazing and I will never forget what I saw, it is extremely rare to see anything paranormal, ghostly, whatever you want to call it, in this house. Now, to hear conversations or voices around the corner is more common, I wish I had a picture of what I saw to show everyone.
Yesterday around noon, I was debating on wrapping presents or painting water colors and I decided to put on a cd just for background music. While I'm looking through my cd case of about 25 options, I choose something nice and serene, I install the cd in the cd player and when I back up to grab the remote for a volume function it has, I noticed I wasn't alone anymore. I had been sort of "In my own little world" until this point, from here I will try to explain to the best of my ability what I saw and how I saw it. I saw a shining, white as snow, a woman's dress. I stood perfectly still, acting like I didn't see it floating right next to me, using as much of my periferal vision as possible without moving my eyeball. I stayed and watched for what felt like eternity but was realistically probably about 6 to 8 seconds, as soon as I turned my head, instantly vanished wit
Well around 6:45p.m., I was chillin in my bed, just watching Family Guy and I heard a moderately loud, in a young boy's voice say: " No! That's mine"! It came from the bathroom area of the apartment and I immediately muted the TV (I keep the remote in my hands at all times) Nothing else was said, but I know what I heard and the voice had quite a bit of strength to it #1. Just to say what it said and #2. Say it as loud as it was. I heard it over the Family Guy episode as if it was really happening, taking something from a pissed-off little kid, maybe like a bully taking his toy.
Yesterday was amazing and I will never forget what I saw, it is extremely rare to see anything paranormal, ghostly, whatever you want to call it, in this house. Now, to hear conversations or voices around the corner is more common, I wish I had a picture of what I saw to show everyone.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
New activity on 12/17/10 Bedroom door noises
OK.. So... yesterday my girlfriend was doing my Daughter's hair in the bathroom adjacent to the bedroom that no one really uses unless we have company. There wasn't any TV on, no music playing and she heard what sounded like a hand knocking or palm dragging sound traveling down the wall towards the bathroom. She actually thought it was our cat that got stuck in the room and was trying to get out, so she investigated, opened the bedroom door and there was nothing there. I didn't hear it so I can't comment on it BUT, I do know some freaky things have taken place in that bedroom. The strange thing is; The noises are always heard when someone is outside of the bedroom, the bedroom door is always shut and I've heard everything from talking to 6 consecutive knocks (Loud knocks) to scratches to extremely loud bangs, like a large rubber ball hitting the unfinished drywall, and other noises that I cannot even categorize.
While I'm posting, the whole thermostat epidemic is starting to get to me because; Not once, but Twice! Last night, "It" moved the heating setting to 62 degrees. My girlfriend and I are restless sleepers and we wake up every hour or so and two of the times we were awakened, it was absolutely freezing. I checked the thermostat and sure enough, the setting was at 62, around 4 a.m. the same thing. I think I'm going to be forced to change my thermostat back to a manual and see what happens but first I'd like to set up a tripod with a camcorder and watch the setting change all by itself.
While I'm posting, the whole thermostat epidemic is starting to get to me because; Not once, but Twice! Last night, "It" moved the heating setting to 62 degrees. My girlfriend and I are restless sleepers and we wake up every hour or so and two of the times we were awakened, it was absolutely freezing. I checked the thermostat and sure enough, the setting was at 62, around 4 a.m. the same thing. I think I'm going to be forced to change my thermostat back to a manual and see what happens but first I'd like to set up a tripod with a camcorder and watch the setting change all by itself.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Same Ol' Shuffle + My Name= Thermostat Games
As I've written before, I'll be in the bathroom with the door shut and it's silent except for the sound of myself smoking a cigarette.. All of a sudden, a pitter-patter of children's feet, I've heard this sound more than 2 dozen times now but it ONLY seems to do it when I'm; A.) Alone B.) In the Bathroom & C.) Sitting on the toilet. I have never heard the sounds when I'm standing at the sink shaving or plucking eyebrows, picking my nose or popping blackheads. It is only when I'm sitting, maybe whatever it is, kneels down to take a peek to make sure I'm sitting still and able to pay attention when all's silent, I don't know, never will, just wanted to take note that it happened this morning.
A far more disturbing event happened last night, it was around maybe 5:30 p.m., My Uncle Pat was not here, let that be known right away. He has always called me, "Case" as a nickname, opposed to "Casey", I know his voice, I know his tone, I know his volume, I know everything about the way he says my name, Well around 5:30-ish, I was concentrating on my water colors, (I'm wor
king on a complex geometric shape design painting) I heard the sound barrier break and I heard, "Case"! Just like my Uncle Pat would say it. My apartment door was shut and it came from beyond the apartment door (Picture Left). The only person upstairs was my Mother, who was resting in her chair after a full days' work of carrying firewood inside, my Brother was sleeping and there were no other noises circulating. My Daughters were not here, my Father was outside, over at the shop, just for the sake of argument, I asked him if he said my name or called me for some reason and he said, "No".
Now, I've been through this whole thing before, It was so bad at one point, these entities were mocking the whole family's voices and calling out to each other. One event, (Upstairs) My Mother yelled, "Casey" and I responded loudly, "Whaaat"! in a silly, child-like manner and I received no answer. Well, about 2 or 3 minutes passed (If I recall correctly) and I see her walk around the bend of the hallway, I asked her what she wanted, and she said, "She didn't want anything, why"?
I could go on and on with these events but I think most of them have been documented somewhere, if not on this blog. Activity seems to be daily, however it is minor and innocent (So far) Oh! The digital Thermostat was changed again! This time, I had the heat setti
ng on, I set the temperature setting on 72 degrees, it was getting really stokey, even hot, I checked the t-stat and it's set at 76 degrees. Again, I asked my Mother if she touched the thermostat and she said, "No". So I decided to call the Honeywell Corporation to speak to an engineer to see if there is any possible way that I could have a defective digital thermostat. I told him what was happening, I gave him the particular model# & design, he said that is was definitely strange, nonetheless and if there was this special type of defect; that the T-stat would be doing it constantly, in other words, it would not be able to pick & choose the times it decided to act up. The part would either be defective or Not but the one I have fits neither. Strange but True. The picture isn't when the actual event happened, I just wanted a picture of "The Haunted Thermostat from Hell", Oooooh, Aaaaaaah!
A far more disturbing event happened last night, it was around maybe 5:30 p.m., My Uncle Pat was not here, let that be known right away. He has always called me, "Case" as a nickname, opposed to "Casey", I know his voice, I know his tone, I know his volume, I know everything about the way he says my name, Well around 5:30-ish, I was concentrating on my water colors, (I'm wor
Now, I've been through this whole thing before, It was so bad at one point, these entities were mocking the whole family's voices and calling out to each other. One event, (Upstairs) My Mother yelled, "Casey" and I responded loudly, "Whaaat"! in a silly, child-like manner and I received no answer. Well, about 2 or 3 minutes passed (If I recall correctly) and I see her walk around the bend of the hallway, I asked her what she wanted, and she said, "She didn't want anything, why"?
I could go on and on with these events but I think most of them have been documented somewhere, if not on this blog. Activity seems to be daily, however it is minor and innocent (So far) Oh! The digital Thermostat was changed again! This time, I had the heat setti
Friday, December 10, 2010
Alarm Bells & 69's
I was awakened with a sudden urge to piss like a racehorse and I noticed the time to be 5:54a.m., apparently I spent about 5 minutes in the bathroom doing my thing and I flush the toilet, walk out pass the dinner table (Complete Dark) and an alarm starts to sound. Nothing too crazy right? Well, considering I have never seen this miniature alarm device before this very moment and to have the alarm sound off as soon as I pass the table it was setting on, set at 6:00a.m., I don't believe in coincidences anymore. Again, I asked everyone in my house if they set an alarm and placed the alarm on my dinner table, everyone said, "No". I think a better question would be, "Why"? I think it's noteworthy to mention that the only person that may occasionally come down to my apartment is my Mother and she claims to be void of all activity.
So, nothing to make a big deal about, but it's noteworthy. Went back to bed for an hour and I woke up at 7a.m. to go do some errands.
Throughout the day I adjust my thermostat because my Mother has started using the wood stove and it is literally placed right outside my apartment door, so it affects the temperature in the apartment. I set the thermostat to 71 degrees on the a/c mode due to it being like 85 degrees in my hallway/kitchen entrance area. I checked the T-stat to see if it had brought the inside temp. down to 71 degrees and someone had changed the whole setting making the T-stat call for 69 degrees and the room had reached 69 degrees. This is a brand new, $300, right out of the box, Honeywell Focus Pro Touchscreen digital/programmable thermostat and what that means is; Someone had to physically touch the screen to lower the desired room temp. to 69 degrees, when I had it set at 71 degrees. This doesn't strike fear into my heart, I think it's funny as shit because I know for a fact that someone is playing with me. I'm writing this post as it all happened on Thursday of this week, December 9, 2010, and it did happen, I'm just writing it a day later, since that event, it has happened three times now. So, I've been calling out, "Write your fucking name down, if you're intelligent enough to understand a touchscreen thermostat, Please do something more entertaining", "While you're at it, if you want to program alarms to go off, program my new thermostat so I don't have to". Crazy Shit man. I'm sure I'll have more to write about.. BTW, as a general rule of thumb, wouldn't you think it's a little too cold for cave crickets to be hibernating in the cold concreted area where my old wash machine was set, they live there and under my jacuzzi tub, I literally kill like 3-5 a day. Weird stuff Man.
So, nothing to make a big deal about, but it's noteworthy. Went back to bed for an hour and I woke up at 7a.m. to go do some errands.
Throughout the day I adjust my thermostat because my Mother has started using the wood stove and it is literally placed right outside my apartment door, so it affects the temperature in the apartment. I set the thermostat to 71 degrees on the a/c mode due to it being like 85 degrees in my hallway/kitchen entrance area. I checked the T-stat to see if it had brought the inside temp. down to 71 degrees and someone had changed the whole setting making the T-stat call for 69 degrees and the room had reached 69 degrees. This is a brand new, $300, right out of the box, Honeywell Focus Pro Touchscreen digital/programmable thermostat and what that means is; Someone had to physically touch the screen to lower the desired room temp. to 69 degrees, when I had it set at 71 degrees. This doesn't strike fear into my heart, I think it's funny as shit because I know for a fact that someone is playing with me. I'm writing this post as it all happened on Thursday of this week, December 9, 2010, and it did happen, I'm just writing it a day later, since that event, it has happened three times now. So, I've been calling out, "Write your fucking name down, if you're intelligent enough to understand a touchscreen thermostat, Please do something more entertaining", "While you're at it, if you want to program alarms to go off, program my new thermostat so I don't have to". Crazy Shit man. I'm sure I'll have more to write about.. BTW, as a general rule of thumb, wouldn't you think it's a little too cold for cave crickets to be hibernating in the cold concreted area where my old wash machine was set, they live there and under my jacuzzi tub, I literally kill like 3-5 a day. Weird stuff Man.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
My basement Apartment has become spooky
So, stuff is randomly moved and I'll find it in different places, knowing I did not put it there. I believe there is a small boy prankster among us, It never seems malevolent, Yet... but for now the constant noises in the bathroom are just weird and I'm sitting about 5 ft. away from the bathroom door, so I can hear everything. Anyway, That's the only news today... Check back later.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
I have to post for My Dog, Opie

She lived a long, great & happy care-free life and on November 27th, 2010, under sweetest regret, we had to put her to sleep. I will never forget the first night I met you, I looked at you and I said, "I'm gonna take you home with me" and the look in her eyes was of a deep loss. I found her at my friend Tim's house, He had been taking care of her for like a week, as opposed to dropping her off at the pound, I really appreciate him for that.. But what I think happened was, someone came to Chesapeake Beach to dock their boat and spend a day on the bay, maybe tourists, who knows, she didn't have a collar, tag, nothing to identify her so I figured maybe she sorta got left behind, all I do know is Someone out there lost a really good dog. From the day I met her, she slept in my bed with me that night and she kept me company in a house I just bought and I was fixin it up. She was very well taught, She understood commands, she would shake your hands and tons of other dog tricks. So as far as the name Oprah, I figured...Well, she's black, she's strong and independent and a female, so, the name stuck, everyone just loved it. I will forever remember you girl.
My Girlfriend; Veronica had her first paranormal experience!
OK, So we're downstairs again, I might add that I live down here now, I don't know if I've written that in other posts but anyway, I live downstairs in the apartment to give my daughters their own bedrooms. So, it's like afternoon and she was getting ready to go home, she's in the bathroom and I was outside in the living area looking for push pins and she just flung open the door and said, "Did you just do that"? I said, "What"!? She brought me over to the bathroom door and showed me what she heard.. She heard three soft-they weren't knocks-they were like the side of your hand type thing, she mocked the noise and it totally freaked her out. I'm used to it. There's always something going on with this bathroom downstairs. I'm hearing very low ambient energy noise coming from the room right now as I type this. When I used to go in the bathroom in the morning to do some business, I would quietly sit there and hear the pitter patter of little feet, the sound little feet make without socks. Sometimes I would hear sliding noises and all this is going on right outside the fricken door. So, Veronica had her first P.E. here at my house.
Up all night.
So it was Monday night, Nov. 29th, I have been sick all week with an infected tooth and it traveled to my lymph nodes then I got bronchitis, so I've had better weeks. My Girlfriend was spending the night with me and earlier that evening I drank some milk with her and ate some pumpkin bread, I had totally forgotten that I am now Lactose I was up for like 4 hours in the bathroom throwing up and I would occasionally fall asleep standing up (I do that, so don't think I'm weird) It was probably 3:45 A. M. and I was smoking a cigarette (Waiting on the next flood) and that's when I heard, "Yooou-Whooo", as if to say, "Where are you"? and I totally thought it was Veronica, my GF, I opened the door, no one there.. I went out to the bed to see if she was up smoking a cigarette and waiting for my return to bed, she was snorring like a baby in a deep sleep.
Looks like things have returned.
I want to say starting about 4-5 weeks ago, I didn't believe my Brother's claims until one day I was sitting in an expensive office chair (One that your Boss may set it) and out of the clear 250lb. ass hit the floor and the chair went rolling back, maybe 6 feet.
My Brother saw the whole thing, I said,"You just saw that right"? and with the look of completed dumbfounded-ness, He says, "Yeah.... I saw the chair pull out from under you and watched you hit the floor". The weird thing is, this chair has a large cushion and a large man could very well set in the chair comfortably, I was not setting the edge, so there is no chance that I could have just had part of my ass slip off and fall. I was completely set as far back as I could go in the chair because I actually had the toes of my shoes locked into & behind the desk's middle back board and I use that sometimes to anchor my spot and I can lean back better with anchor. ( I hope somebody understands this ) Anyway, like I was saying the strangest part was that I felt nothing, something had to have levitated my heavy, upright frame long enough to pull the chair out. It was done so quickly, that I didn't even have time for it to register, I was on the floor and my Brother was say," What the fuck did you do"? I was in shock, I cannot explain it, I wasn't leaning in the chair, I wasn't reclined in the chair, I was actually setting upright, writing an email or something of that nature, so chalk another up to unexplainable.
My Brother saw the whole thing, I said,"You just saw that right"? and with the look of completed dumbfounded-ness, He says, "Yeah.... I saw the chair pull out from under you and watched you hit the floor". The weird thing is, this chair has a large cushion and a large man could very well set in the chair comfortably, I was not setting the edge, so there is no chance that I could have just had part of my ass slip off and fall. I was completely set as far back as I could go in the chair because I actually had the toes of my shoes locked into & behind the desk's middle back board and I use that sometimes to anchor my spot and I can lean back better with anchor. ( I hope somebody understands this ) Anyway, like I was saying the strangest part was that I felt nothing, something had to have levitated my heavy, upright frame long enough to pull the chair out. It was done so quickly, that I didn't even have time for it to register, I was on the floor and my Brother was say," What the fuck did you do"? I was in shock, I cannot explain it, I wasn't leaning in the chair, I wasn't reclined in the chair, I was actually setting upright, writing an email or something of that nature, so chalk another up to unexplainable.
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