Yesterday around noon, I was debating on wrapping presents or painting water colors and I decided to put on a cd just for background music. While I'm looking through my cd case of about 25 options, I choose something nice and serene, I install the cd in the cd player and when I back up to grab the remote for a volume function it has, I noticed I wasn't alone anymore. I had been sort of "In my own little world" until this point, from here I will try to explain to the best of my ability what I saw and how I saw it. I saw a shining, white as snow, a woman's dress. I stood perfectly still, acting like I didn't see it floating right next to me, using as much of my periferal vision as possible without moving my eyeball. I stayed and watched for what felt like eternity but was realistically probably about 6 to 8 seconds, as soon as I turned my head, instantly vanished wit
Well around 6:45p.m., I was chillin in my bed, just watching Family Guy and I heard a moderately loud, in a young boy's voice say: " No! That's mine"! It came from the bathroom area of the apartment and I immediately muted the TV (I keep the remote in my hands at all times) Nothing else was said, but I know what I heard and the voice had quite a bit of strength to it #1. Just to say what it said and #2. Say it as loud as it was. I heard it over the Family Guy episode as if it was really happening, taking something from a pissed-off little kid, maybe like a bully taking his toy.
Yesterday was amazing and I will never forget what I saw, it is extremely rare to see anything paranormal, ghostly, whatever you want to call it, in this house. Now, to hear conversations or voices around the corner is more common, I wish I had a picture of what I saw to show everyone.
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