As I've written before, I'll be in the bathroom with the door shut and it's silent except for the sound of myself smoking a cigarette.. All of a sudden, a pitter-patter of children's feet, I've heard this sound more than 2 dozen times now but it ONLY seems to do it when I'm; A.) Alone B.) In the Bathroom & C.) Sitting on the toilet. I have never heard the sounds when I'm standing at the sink shaving or plucking eyebrows, picking my nose or popping blackheads. It is only when I'm sitting, maybe whatever it is, kneels down to take a peek to make sure I'm sitting still and able to pay attention when all's silent, I don't know, never will, just wanted to take note that it happened this morning.
A far more disturbing event happened last night, it was around maybe 5:30 p.m., My Uncle Pat was not here, let that be known right away. He has always called me, "Case" as a nickname, opposed to "Casey", I know his voice, I know his tone, I know his volume, I know everything about the way he says my name, Well around 5:30-ish, I was concentrating on my water colors, (I'm wor

king on a complex geometric shape design painting) I heard the sound barrier break and I heard, "Case"! Just like my Uncle Pat would say it. My apartment door was shut and it came from beyond the apartment door (Picture Left). The only person upstairs was my Mother, who was resting in her chair after a full days' work of carrying firewood inside, my Brother was sleeping and there were no other noises circulating. My Daughters were not here, my Father was outside, over at the shop, just for the sake of argument, I asked him if he said my name or called me for some reason and he said, "No".
Now, I've been through this whole thing before, It was so bad at one point, these entities were mocking the whole family's voices and calling out to each other. One event, (Upstairs) My Mother yelled, "Casey" and I responded loudly, "Whaaat"! in a silly, child-like manner and I received no answer. Well, about 2 or 3 minutes passed (If I recall correctly) and I see her walk around the bend of the hallway, I asked her what she wanted, and she said, "She didn't want anything, why"?
I could go on and on with these events but I think most of them have been documented somewhere, if not on this blog. Activity seems to be daily, however it is minor and innocent (So far) Oh! The digital Thermostat was changed again! This time, I had the heat setti

ng on, I set the temperature setting on 72 degrees, it was getting really stokey, even hot, I checked the t-stat and it's set at 76 degrees. Again, I asked my Mother if she touched the thermostat and she said, "No". So I decided to call the Honeywell Corporation to speak to an engineer to see if there is any possible way that I could have a defective digital thermostat. I told him what was happening, I gave him the particular model# & design, he said that is was definitely strange, nonetheless and if there was this special type of defect; that the T-stat would be doing it constantly, in other words, it would not be able to pick & choose the times it decided to act up. The part would either be defective or Not but the one I have fits neither. Strange but True. The picture isn't when the actual event happened, I just wanted a picture of "The Haunted Thermostat from Hell", Oooooh, Aaaaaaah!
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