She lived a long, great & happy care-free life and on November 27th, 2010, under sweetest regret, we had to put her to sleep. I will never forget the first night I met you, I looked at you and I said, "I'm gonna take you home with me" and the look in her eyes was of a deep loss. I found her at my friend Tim's house, He had been taking care of her for like a week, as opposed to dropping her off at the pound, I really appreciate him for that.. But what I think happened was, someone came to Chesapeake Beach to dock their boat and spend a day on the bay, maybe tourists, who knows, she didn't have a collar, tag, nothing to identify her so I figured maybe she sorta got left behind, all I do know is Someone out there lost a really good dog. From the day I met her, she slept in my bed with me that night and she kept me company in a house I just bought and I was fixin it up. She was very well taught, She understood commands, she would shake your hands and tons of other dog tricks. So as far as the name Oprah, I figured...Well, she's black, she's strong and independent and a female, so, the name stuck, everyone just loved it. I will forever remember you girl.
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