I've been too busy to keep up with this blog and all the other things I have going on right now, However I have been taking elaborate notes of things as the events happen, so I'm going to start with last week.
My girlfriend came to spend some time with me and she arrived on the 6th of January, 2011. I guess I should start by stating that as of now I am unemployed, so I sit at the computer all day trying to find jobs to send my resume to. We spend a good bit of time in my apartment, sometimes I'll be working on my water colors after I've exhausted all my work leads, to get to the point, we spend a lot of time downstairs, in my apartment. We are both pretty much financially broke, so we don't go out and do recreational things either. Now that I've explained our living situation, sometimes I experience unexplainable events and I'll tell my girlfriend all about it, maybe later in the day she'll experience her own event, however small it may seem, the fact remains, it happened.
Thursday 01/06/2011
My girlfriend spent the first night of her visit with me. We woke up, she soon noticed that her (2) plastic b

racelets were removed from her wrist (We suspected in the middle of the night?) Well, later in the same day I was searching for a paint brush, completely on the other side of the room where junk is pretty much just starting to build up, there's an old PC on the desk, some old PC speakers and I look down to see her plastic bracelets (That were gifts from her Daughter) Not only did I find her bracelets, I found the bracelets tied together with a "hangman's knot" (See Picture)
Friday 01/07/2011

OK, so after we digest the strange events of the day prior, we had an uneventful day of searching for jobs, sending out resumes and painting on my water color projects. We went to get Chinese for dinner, after dinner we were relaxing on the bed. Before we laid down on the bed to watch TV, I had lit a small Yankee Candle and set it on top of a recently acquired 100 year old cabinet/chest. The top had a picture frame, a small lamp and the candle, which was about 8 inches away from the lamp shade. So about 2 hours pass and we hear what sounds like a blow torch coming from behind us, we jump up and see that the plastic lamp shade is on fire. The candle had somehow been placed directly under neath the plastic edge of the lamp shade causing it to start fire. My girlfriend was closer so she moved the candle (Burning herself in the process) and physically blew out the fire with her breath. So, how the candle moved itself 8 inches to be perfectly placed under the lamp shade is a complete mystery. For this very reason (Fire) when I lit the candle, I made sure to place it as far away from the lamp shade as possible. Unexplainable.
Saturday 01/08/2011
This is a reoccurring event of what I'm about to share. My girlfriend had taken a shower and hung up the towel over the shower rod. Maybe an hour later she came out of the bathroom and asked me, "Did you take the blue towel off the shower rod"? "I was letting it dry and now it's just lying on the floor like a ribbon" I was looking at the towel and it actually looked like the towel was pulled from below and it fell in a natural cascading motion, looking like a ribbon or something. Now you might be saying to yourself, wow, big deal... a towel fell from the top of the shower curtain rod, but this has happened more than once and she was the one to bring it to my attention and I really didn't realize how many times it's happened but if I had to guess, I would say at least 5-6 times...
There's more to come, I have a whole page of documented events that need to be posted but running out of time right now. The following week starting at Monday 01/10/2011 is when all the audible voice/sentence fragments are heard, I will post very soon.