These events happened on Monday, January 10, 2011. It was around 11:45am and I was sending out resumes, again this happened downstairs in my apartment, I began to hear generalized yelling and shouting as if 2 people were in conversation. It came from right above my head and it was loud, so I picked up the phone and called upstairs, my Brother answered the phone and I heard complete silence. I asked, "Who's doing all the yelling up there"? and he said, "There's no one up here but me and I'm just sitting here online". Then maybe 10 minutes later, I heard my Father yelling my name through a solid brick wall, literally from outside the house I heard my Father say a shortened version of my name, "Case". Sometimes when my Dad needs help, he'll call me "Case", I knew for a fact that he was not actually calling me because at the time, he was in another state with my Mother. They went to Virginia to buy cigarettes. So, after all this happened, I just made sure I wrote it down so I could keep track of every detail.
Later that night, actually Tuesday morning, January 11, 2011. It was 2:35am, I went to use the bathroom and while I was standing there ( I left the door open because I was alone ) I heard an obvious so

und, as plain as day, I heard the bedroom adjacent to the bathroom, I heard the bedroom door handle turn quickly then release, making a moderately loud noise. I stopped what I was doing and went outside the bathroom and looked at the door to see if it had been o

pened. I walked up to the door and touched it with 1 finger to push it open and it didn't move. I turned the handle to recreate the sound I heard and sure enough, it was the exact sound that was made.
I ran some errands in the morning and came back to go online for a bit and at 12:22pm, I heard my Father shout my name again, this time it came from above my head. I called upstairs and asked my Mother if anyone yelled for me and she said, "No, Daddy's not up here". To sum things up, that's a lot of paranormal activity or unexplainable activity for a 48 hour period. At least I think so, I've been wrong before but I can't think of any logical explaination for this activity.
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