This unexplainable event happened at/around 2:00pm on Thursday, January 13, 2011. I was sitting at my kitchen table, online and after about an hour of writing a couple resumes, I felt something hit my left knee, pretty hard too. I moved my chair back (Office chair with wheels) to see what hit me and it was a child's toy. A fake, baby bottle with some type of liquid in it to simulate milk in the bottle, anyway after it hit me, I spoke out and said, "Can

you throw something again"? or "Maybe move something off the table"? I sat silent for about 15 minutes, waiting... waiting... and like always, nothing. No more action or paranormal activity that day.
Whatever entity is here, is now starting to get a little more belligerent and malevolent. So, I keep track of everything going on, however minuscule it may be, I want the investigators to have a living journal of every single unexplainable event that happens here. When I start to see what I saw before, My ass is gone. I was seeing blac

k masses crossing my bedroom ceiling but since that lady came here in '09 to "Cleanse" the property, we don't hear any audible growling anymore, this haunting is something totally different.
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