This unexplainable event happened at 7:31am on Sunday, January 23, 2011. I was sound asleep in my bed and I suddenly heard what sounded like a kitchen cabinet door open, swing, then shut. I was wide awake at this point and I laid there and at 7:34am, I heard the top kitchen cabinet door.. The only way I can describe it is if a small child tried to open a cabinet door by using their fingers to open the door from the bottom of the door, not using the knob or handle. By the way, none of my cabinet doors have any type of knobs or handles. To continue, I heard the top kitchen cabinet door try to open and it snapped shut immediately, then I heard another door open but I never hear

d it shut, so it must have been like playing with the door and shut it silently. I have no clue.
I went back to sleep, (Sunday is thee only day I can sleep in) I woke up at 10:43am and I went upstairs to ask my Mom why she was in my apartment #1, and before I could get my next word out, she interrupted with, " Casey, we weren't even here, we went to get breakfast, then we went to get pig feed in Charles County". "We got home around 9:30 I guess", I was floored and then I told her what had happened. She couldn't believe it, my Dad said "It's awful act

ive here lately ain't it"? So, I'm trying to get another investigation just for the basement apartment this time. I'm totally floored, I mean this is getting to the point where I'm thinking of buying a camcorder that can record at least 12 hours. Even if I did, I wouldn't begin to know where to set it up first. As long as I keep documenting every event, I can reference it at a later date. So, to all you non-believers, I invite you to spend a week in my apartment, you will become a believer. The bottom kitchen cabinet door by the white refrigerator is the cabinet door in question. It can't be seen from my bed and it is close to the apartment entrance. When I heard the second and third opening sounds, I could tell that it was coming from the cabinet directly above the bottom cabinet>>>
All this recent activity is different from before (The first haunting, paranormal occupation, whatever you can call it) simply because I can feel a presence, a single or possibly two-person presence, before all the negative energy here could have set off a bomb, If investigated, I would expect as many EVP's as before, maybe more...Who Knows?
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