Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Up all night.

So it was Monday night, Nov. 29th, I have been sick all week with an infected tooth and it traveled to my lymph nodes then I got bronchitis, so I've had better weeks. My Girlfriend was spending the night with me and earlier that evening I drank some milk with her and ate some pumpkin bread, I had totally forgotten that I am now Lactose I was up for like 4 hours in the bathroom throwing up and I would occasionally fall asleep standing up (I do that, so don't think I'm weird) It was probably 3:45 A. M. and I was smoking a cigarette (Waiting on the next flood) and that's when I heard, "Yooou-Whooo", as if to say, "Where are you"? and I totally thought it was Veronica, my GF, I opened the door, no one there.. I went out to the bed to see if she was up smoking a cigarette and waiting for my return to bed, she was snorring like a baby in a deep sleep.

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